
Fox WeatherNation launched in Seminole, Texas

Weather doesn’t stop and neither does WeatherNation. TDS recently launched WeaterNation in Seminole, Seagraves, and Denver City, Texas. Fox WeatherNation is on Channel 39 for our TDS TV+ customers and Channel 95 for our TV customers.

Watch and interact with WeatherNation anytime, 24/7, to get breaking weather news, hyper-local weather, satellite/radar maps, regional and national weather news and more.

Headquartered in Centennial, Colorado, WeatherNation features leading and seasoned meteorologists. Plus, when there’s breaking news on weather, WeatherNation taps into expert field correspondents, spotters and journalists to provide you with weather news, forecasts and information to keep you weather aware and safe.

WeatherNation is 100% dedicated to weather and uses predictive weather modeling sources from NOAA, the Storm Prediction Center, National Hurricane Center and the National Weather Service.


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