
Author Archive | Mark Schaaf

Important update

Update on Ruidoso, N.M. service outages

September 6 We’ve updated our maps to reflect the current restoration status. In the Bellavia Circle Dr., Canyon Rd., Meadow Wood, Sam St., University Drive area we are now approximately 75% restored, but the remaining addresses will not be turned… (Continue Reading)


Sun outages may impact your TV signal

Twice a year, all television customers (not just TDS TV and TDS TV+ customers) may experience some degree of television interference due to sun outages. This spring, the solar satellite interference is expected from the last week of February through… (Continue Reading)


Internet jargon you actually need to know

If you’ve ever been confused by the multiplying internet technologies and the jargon used to market them, you’re not alone. The internet, phone, and TV space is cluttered with acronyms and technical language. There are basic terms that everyone should… (Continue Reading)